Frequently Asked Question

What Social Media plans do you offer?
Last Updated 9 years ago

We offer 3 plans for your Facebook or Twitter account.

Facebook for Business:
$250 - $50monthly

1. Profile Photo: Adjust sizing, logo, and photo content.

2. Cover Photo: Adjust sizing, logo, photo content and design.

3. Facebook Apps: Add up to 3 unique apps. These apps will include a contact form, direct links to your website, and an about us page. You can request Yelp, Youtube and others when placing your order.

Facebook for Business / Advantage:
$250 One time setup - $100 monthly

All of the above features plus:

1. 2 weekly postings from a REAL person. All postings are generated around your business practices and surrounding areas. This includes inspirational quotes, photos, holiday content and more.

2. Daily monitoring! We monitor your postings from 'Fans' and postings to be sure only the content you want posted is there.

Facebook for Business / Pro:
$250 One time setup
 - $150 monthly
All of the above features plus:

1. Up to 22 unique postings per month!

2. Business responses from our office. We respond to a 'Fan' or postings made by visitors to your page.

*We can also customize a plan to fit your businesses needs. 

*Additional charges may apply

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