Frequently Asked Question

Add Anchor Tags & Links
Last Updated 10 years ago


This article does not apply if your website is built on the Roostersites platform.

Anchor links can be used to send users to a specific section of a page, for example a "back to top" button that when clicked, returns the user to the top of a page. This is accomplished by adding an anchor tag to a page element, then linking to that anchor from somewhere else on the page or site.

Please note that it is only possible to link to anchors on the same page, not to anchors on other pages.

Adding an Anchor

Choose an element, then open the element menu and select Set as Anchor.


Give the anchor a name. We recommend using all lowercase characters, with no spaces. Check the box if you would like to add a link to the main site navigation. Otherwise, you can create a link to this anchor separately.


Linking to an Anchor

When creating a text or button link, select the Anchor option then select the desired anchor from the dropdown.


Manage Anchors

To edit or remove an anchor, open the element menu and select Edit Anchor.


Edit the anchors name, add the anchor to site navigation, or choose to remove the anchor completely.


If you need any further assistance or have any questions, contact us here in the support center.

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